Entrance Exam Maths Masterclass D: Geometry

Maths D Masterclass: Geometry

Maths Masterclasses for entrance exams at Better Tuition Urmston

Can you produce an answer for the following questions in under one minute? Answers at the bottom of the page.

(1) Three of the vertices on a rectangle have the following coordinates:

(2,2), (2,5), (8,5)

What are the coordinates of the fourth vertex?

a) (5,2) b)  (5,8)    c)  (8,2)   d) (8,3)

(2) Square A and Square B are equal. Each have an area of . If the two squares are placed together to make one rectangular shape C, what is the perimeter of C?

a) 12 cm b)  24 cm   c) 32 cm   d) 48 cm

These are examples of the kind of calculations your child will have to carry out in grammar school entrance exams. Our Entrance Exam Maths Masterclass D: Geometry will deepen your child’s understanding of geometry and help him/ her confidently solve problems involving coordinates, area, perimeter and angles.

Most children find basic geometry straightforward. Plotting coordinates and calculating the area and perimeter of regular shapes are simple enough. However, as we go deeper into geometry, we often find that children begin to struggle. Applying our knowledge of coordinates in a problem-solving context, calculating the area or perimeter of irregular shapes and identifying missing angles in polygons can often require extra support. Our geometry masterclass aims to address these difficulties and set your child on the path to entrance exam success.

Our Entrance Exam Maths Masterclass D: Geometry will develop understanding and skills in the following areas:

§  Coordinates

§  Angles

§  Area & Perimeter

Our Geometry Masterclass is suitable for children preparing to sit examinations in both GL Assessment and CEM format.

Our masterclasses are a unique combination of extensive online video tutorials combined with paper-based workbook activities. Your child may complete their masterclass anywhere there is an internet connection (or you may download the tutorials and save them to your device) and at their own pace. The masterclass need not be completed all in one sitting and we recommend spreading it out over two or more days. Each masterclass costs just £20. To book, please email us at info@bettertuition.co.uk.

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1) c   2) b


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