Welcome to Day Thirteen of Better Tuition’s Winter Advent Activity Calendar. Today we have some Christmas maths problems for you, this time in the form of an interactive quiz. These problems focus on measures of time – so it might be a good idea to take a quick scan over this section on the Better Tuition measures card (below).
Return to our advent calendar.
- Call into Better Tuition if you’d like a hard copy of this measures card.
If you’d like a hard copy of the Better Tuition measures card, call into our Urmston tuition centre at 1 Crofts Bank Road (entrance is round the corner on Flixton Road).
Teachers, please feel free to use this with your class. Parents, please feel free to use this with your child(ren).
Return to Better Tuition’s advent calendar.
Does your child need help with numeracy? Better Tuition is Urmston’s independent tuition centre for maths, English, science and entrance exam preparation. We tutor young people aged 5-16. Call Paul Syrett or Christine McLaughlin today on 0161 748 3912 to book your FREE assessment at our Urmston tuition centre.