Year 6 SATs: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Checklist

[UPDATE: 1st February 2019 Read a more up-to-date post here about Key Stage 2 SATs here on our blog] The Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test is being introduced in May for all Year 6 students.  You can use Better Tuition’s checklist to help you ensure your child has covered everything s/he needs for the test.
Read the checklist below or download it as a PDF.  If you are an educator and would like to adapt this resource for classroom use, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to send you a Word file.  You can read more about changes to Year 6 SATs here.

The test will be 45 minutes long and will check whether students can:

 Identify and use:

 Language item


 Common nouns

 table, boy, town

 Proper nouns

 Toby, Manchester, Better Tuition


 he, she, it, we

*N.B. Your child will also be expected to know when to use ‘I’ and when to use ‘me’ – for example: Emily and I got to school late./ There will be extra homework for Emily and me next week.


 green, big, fantastic


 run, read, say, think


 quickly, aloud, timidly

*N.B. Your child will also be expected to know the difference between an adjective and an adverb (the former describes a noun and the latter describes a verb).


 over, under, in, near


 pre-, un-, dis-

 Main clause

The boy ran into the sweet shop, his pockets filled with coins.

Subordinate clause

The boy ran into the sweet shop, his pockets filled with coins.


 and, because, however, firstly, then


big, small

shiny, dull

 Understand and produce:

 Language item



 What is your name?


 Put the book back on the shelf.


 I have blue eyes.


We have no bread at present.I received a nice present on my birthday.


He peered through the misty window.She threw the ball to the dog.


big/ large

red/ scarlet


table, boy, lady, sheep, fish

Plurals, including irregulars

tables, boys, ladies, sheep, fish

Verb forms and tenses

we go/ they were/ I amYour child may be asked to change present tense verbs to past tense and vice versa, eg.She eats sandwiches./ She ate sandwiches.

Punctuate using (and know the terms):

 Language item


 Full stops


 Question marks


Exclamation marks


Capital letters

ABC – your child will need to know that these should be used for proper nouns as well as the beginning of a sentence.




Apostrophe of omission: can’t (the apostrophe replaces the letter ‘o’)Apostrophe of possession: the boy’s shoe (the apostrophe shows us that the shoe belongs to the boy).Your child will also need to know that words an apostrophe has joined together to make one word are known as contractions.


 (    )

Inverted commas

 “You may know these as speech marks.”

SATs preparation is important in order to give your child confidence to tackle these important tests.  Your child’s results will be passed on to their new secondary school and very often used to set them according to ability.  If you need extra help, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Syrett or Christine McLaughlin on 0161 748 3912 to book a FREE assessment.  Many parents send their children to Better Tuition to help prepare them for Year 7.  Please give us a call to find out how your child could benefit from lessons at Better Tuition.

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7 Responses to Year 6 SATs: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Checklist

  1. Pingback: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: Online Quizzes | Better Tuition

  2. Pingback: 2014 SATs Diary | Better Tuition

  3. Pingback: Six Key Stage 2 SATs Revision Websites - Better Tuition

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