Key Stage 2 SATs 2020: Your Two-Minute Guide

If your child is currently in Year 6, s/he will be taking Key Stage 2 SATs in May 2020. Here is your super-speedy, two-minute guide to Key Stage 1 SATs 2020, for extra-busy parents.

Read our two-minute guide to Key Stage 2 SATs.

Read our two-minute guide to Key Stage 2 SATs.

Key Stage 2 SATs will run during the week commencing 11th May. Year 6 children sit papers in:

  • Reading;

  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

  • Maths

(1) Reading

Children will sit one reading paper as part of Key Stage 2 SATs

  • Children will answer questions about three texts.

  • The test will take one hour, including reading time.

  • The reading test will be closely linked to the curriculum.

  • Question types include sequencing; matching; labelling; vocabulary; short answer and open-ended answer.

(2) Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 

Children will sit two separate papers as part of Key Stage 2 SATs.

  • Paper 1: Grammar and Punctuation. Children will be asked to answer two types of questions about grammar and punctuation. Type one is selected response (e.g. ‘Identify the prepositions in this sentence.’). Type two is constructed response (e.g. ‘Rewrite the following sentence with correct punctuation.’). Paper one takes 45 minutes.

  • Paper 2: Spelling.  Children will complete an aural spelling test of 20 words. Paper two will last 20 minutes.

(3) Maths

Children will sit three separate papers as part of Key Stage 2 SATs.

  • Paper 1: Arithmetic. Children will be asked to answer questions using the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions). This will include long multiplication and division (e.g. 35 x 256 or 987 ÷ 8). This paper will take 30 minutes to administer.

  • Papers 2 & 3: Reasoning. Children will be asked to solve problems and demonstrate reasoning skills. Question types include multiple choice, completing a table or a chart and explaining methods used to arrive at an answer. This paper will take around 35 minutes to administer. The time allowed for each paper is 40 minutes.

  • Children are not allowed to use calculators, number lines or any other tools.

Marking and Scores

The papers will be marked externally. Your child will be given a scaled score. A score of 100 means that your child is meeting expectations for his/ her age. A score below this suggests that a child is working below expectations and a score above 100 indicates that a child is working above the expected standard. The lowest possible score is 80 and the highest possible score is 120.


In 2020, selected schools will complete a KS2 Science ‘sampling’ SATs paper. Around 9,500 children will be randomly selected. Selected schools will administer the tests within the 2 week period from Monday 8 June 2020. These tests are for sampling purposes only and their results are never given to the children.

More Information

You can read more about Key Stage 2 SATs in the government’s official information leaflet for parents.

Supporting your child

Is your child currently preparing for Key Stage 2 SATs? Perhaps they have recently completed them and been identified as not meeting the required standard. Either way, Better Tuition can help. Please call Paul Syrett or Christine McLaughlin on 0161 748 3912 and find out how we can help your child achieve and succeed in school. You can book a FREE assessment or FREE trial lesson at our tuition centre in the heart of Urmston. We are currently celebrating ten years in the business of helping children reach their full potential. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain so why not take that step now and find out today why we’re better?

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